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There are more than 20,000 midwives in Guatemala and approximately 75% of all births are mediated by a midwife. Midwives are important members of the community and provide critical care in rural communities.

In all cultures, the midwife's place is on the threshold of life, where intense human emotions, fear, hope, longing, triumph, and incredible physical power-enable a new human being to emerge. Her vocation is unique.     

Our Mission

Midwives have been providing pregnancy-related care to other women in Guatemala for thousands of years.  Each region and culture maintains it’s own traditions and customs designed to support a healthy pregnancy and delivery.  
As professional midwives, we have received extensive University training in modern health sciences. Our mission is to provide quality care while honoring the customs and traditions of our community and the families we serve.
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Our Mission

Our Vision

We are women helping other women.....
And we have a vision for Guatemala.....
...that every woman can have a healthy pregnancy…..
...and a healthy baby…..
...and that she can access quality care before and during her pregnancy.
...and that she is safe and treated with respect.
We honor the wisdom of our predecessors....
while we embrace the best of modern science.....
This is our vision!
We are committed!
We owe this to ourselves and future   generations!
We are midwives!
And we are proud of our heritage!

Your Generous Contributions are Appreciated!

Our Project is Sponsored by a Rotary Foundation Global Grant

Contact Us

If you wish to get in touch with us, please email or call us with the listed information below. Or contact the Rotary Club of Nashua NH USA.


J. Sullender, PhD CCN, President

Patty Franke, Vice President and Secretary

Dora Maria Hernandez, Rotary Representative

and Deputy for Projects

Phone: (502 5510-0966

Registered Guatemala NGO

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